Staying Safe on Social Media

If you have a social media account, you put yourself at risk for a variety of issues, including identity theft.

In addition, information, photos, videos, etc. that you share with people on social media could be shared with other people without your consent. For example, Snapchat is built to be a temporary photo-sharing platform, which means that photos get deleted automatically. This false sense of security often encourages people to share whatever they want. While Snapchat does give a notification if someone takes a snap of your pictures, it doesn’t stop them from doing it anyway. Some people choose to share pictures that could get them in trouble at school or even the law, thinking that they would be deleted automatically.

Tips on Staying Safe When Using Social Media:

  • Use strong passwords for your accounts.
  • Change the passwords to your accounts at least once a month.
  • Set up two-factor authenication whenever possible. Two-factor aunthenication requires that you provide information beyond your password, such as a phone number, when you log in to your account.
  • Don't share your passwords with anyone.
  • Don't set up automatic login on your devices.
  • Only interact with people that you know.

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