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What are Social Robots?

Created by engineers, social robots are autonomous robots that are designed to interact with humans and other robots. They are considered artifical AI systems, and follow their designated social roles. Some of the most popular social robots include hitchBOT(a hitchhiking robot), Kismet(an interactive robot), Tico(an educational robot), Bandit(a robot that teaches social behavior to autistic children), and Jibo(a consumer-oriented robot). As technology improves, they are expected to gradually play more prominent roles in the industries of healthcare, retail trade, education, accommodation and food services, arts and entertainment, social work, and information and communication. Click Here!

Pros and Cons of Social Robots

The pros of social robots are that they complete tasks with speed, consistency, and perfection, are designed to work in harsh environments, can be used when human safety is a concern, can be a good companion for the young, elderly, and disabled, and can be utilized in educational activities, household activities, and customer engagement. The cons of social robots are that they lack emotion and reasoning since they aren't human, are unable to respond to situations that they are not programmed for, are costly to maintain, may experience hardware malfunctions and failures, and may lead to an increase in unemployment, as they are capable of completing multiple jobs in various industries. Click Here!

Additional/Interesting Facts about Social Robots

One intriguing fact about social robots is that they may evolve over time and eventually become childrens' teachers. Another interesting fact about social robots is that these robots are beginning to become companion toys for kids. In addition, social robots that carry out services are more likely to be female. Furthermore, social robots can communicate with each other in ways that are impossible for humans. Click Here!